The future can be difficult to see because it is always changing, but you can follow some of the trends in video production that can give you some insight when looking for a company to create your next video project.
New Video Equipment Standards
The effects in creating video increased in their complexity and have become more fascinating over the last 10 years, and the development of new technologies in video and film production equipment, those effects will continue to blow our minds. Before your video hits the editing suite in post-production, the unedited film has to be filmed in a certain way, taking into account the angles, positioning, movement, and lighting in the shot. Film equipment like Steadicams and remote-controlled aerial robots gives videographers the ability to move the camera throughout a shot. The applications will be practically endless and the level of creativity will stretch out to fit the new standards of equipment that are in the making. The video professionals at AMP Film Studios use the latest in video production equipment technologies to make sure that your project is created using the most current standards that will continue to blow your minds when you see the final product.
Multimedia Advertising
You are still only able to reach about 52% of your viewers even with all the different ways to deliver advertisements with online streaming. There are limitations to the amount of attention you can grab with ads embedded in video streams, but what about the other people you are trying to reach? At AMP Film Studios, we help you find other ways to deliver advertisements to your audience, so it becomes necessary to change your mindset and make use of all the other types of digital media.
Resolution 4000 pixels!
Over 30 years ago, the first major release by IBM of the CGA (color graphic adapter) video resolution, the resolution standards have increased tenfold over the years. At the time, the new standard was a measly 160×100 pixels in only 16 colors. Currently, the standard in both resolution and color depth has increased to 4000 pixels and a depth of color up to 281 trillion colors (48-bit color). Soon, the video marketplace will include 4000-pixel televisions and even higher color depths, but they are useless if nobody creates content in those resolutions. At AMP Film Studios, we can make your next video come alive with this updated standard.
This Video Production Company in Tampa, Florida specializes in delivering high-quality video for television, musicians, and medical practices. Call us right now at 1-877-267-4111 to speak to one of our video production experts.
At AMP Film Studios, we promise to deliver high-quality video that will exceed your expectations or your money back! If you would like to schedule a consultation with an account representative at AMP Film Studios, contact them today at 1-877-267-4111 or you can also use this convenient website form.