State of Corporate Video and the Internet 2014

The Internet has been offering the opportunity for businesses to narrowcast their corporate video production to a specific audience for many years. We have been taking advantage of this opportunity with our corporate clients since 1999. Current statistics and trends show that as much as 80% of all Internet traffic is being used to watch video. Not taking advantage of this seems unusual, since the cost of distribution is pennies on the Internet.

We created this simple infographic to mainly show what the current trends are in terms of consumer and business adoption and viewing habits. However, we must add that the most successful campaigns are written, produced and directed by a professional who has a proven track record of specifically creating video that reaches specific goals. For example, increasing conversion rates, increasing inquires, getting more leads from social networks. Actionable, quantifiable metrics. Regardless here is the infographic (below) for your edification and enjoyment – pass it on –

You can see many samples on our corporate video production page, where we utilized all of the ideas listed above to create successful happy clients. If you have any questions our producers are available to answer any of questions either by email or by calling 1-877-267-4111. We are the only production company in the world with a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our work. We are so confident we offer this to all our customers. During the last 20 years none of our clients has ever asked for their money back. Instead we have hundreds of referrals, high praise, awesome recommendations and a lot of repeat business.

video-production-internet-infographicClick on the image for FULL SIZE