Music Videos: Where is my money going?

Budgets to produce a music video can be a few thousand dollars or a few million, depending on how you go about capturing the look you want. The veteran video production team at AMP Film Studios in Tampa, Florida gives you an in-depth look at how the money is spent. They have spent literally thousands of hours of figuring out to best spend your hard-earned dollars to make a music video that exceeds your expectations and will be delivered on time. Here’s a basic break down of where your money goes, starting with your pocket and through cutting the final product.

Pay the Producer

As the producer of your next video project, AMP Film Studios values your business and wants to give you a top-notch product that you will not only be satisfied with, but be proud of the final product. One of our main goals is to keep your project under budget and that aspect is as important to us as it is to your company. It costs money to run any business, so our fees are modest compared to the level of quality of our finished products.

Pay the Director

The main person who is in charge of everything, whether on or off-camera is the director. The director fee is usually proportionate to the amount of experience they have in the industry, since they are required to manage practically everything within the scope of the project. Their job is the hardest one in the entire production, as they have to insure that questions get answered about the setup and execution of any project, including cast, crew, equipment, location, sound, lighting, and a variety of other factors that are equally as important. A good director can communicate effectively with everyone on the set and make sure that everything happens exactly how and when it is supposed to happen. The quality of your director can literally make or break your video, since they are responsible to putting all the pieces together that make it work. When production starts, you can see signs of a good director that will determine whether or not the project is kept under budget. This important aspect of video production is key philosophy at AMP Film Studios to keep your project under your budget and still see that you get the most bang for your buck.

Pay the Camera Operator

The camera does not usually move without a person behind it, either by remote or hand-help, the camera operator will work closely with the director to see that all the shot angles and proper lighting and positioning are optimized to get the final shot in just one take. They will also provide suggestions to the director when trying to achieve a certain shot or effect that might require a different technique or a different piece of equipment. The camera may be the main piece of equipment, but the extra items that make the shot possible include things like dollies, cranes, lenses, and different lense aperatures that can dramatically affect the final look when a shot is framed.

Rent the Camera Equipment

Cameras are probably one of the most important pieces of equipment used to shoot a film and may not be something that you own. At AMP Film Studios, you won’t have to worry on whether or not you have to rent the best equipment. Having years of experience and keeping up on the latest equipment standards, we can guarantee a final product that will blow your mind and the minds of your audience.

Other basics: Key grip + assistant + lighting gear

As mentioned before, there are a number of pieces of equipment that need to be maintained throughout the film production process. Some of the pieces are gargantuan, like lighting fixtures, and some are minute, as with clothespins (called bullets). The key grip and assistants will keep track of all this equipment and be able to provide it in a moment’s notice if the director calls for it.

Clothing and accessories

Your stars might not have exactly what you need when filming when it comes to the clothing they need to communicate your idea and turn it into a film. A wardrobe is another essential part of this process, as is makeup. There are technicians that only deal with clothing and the accessories that come along with it. It could be that every scene of your production needs a small costume change to tell your story. These items and the people who manage them can add up when dealing with the final budget.

Paying for permits

In the event that there’s a need to shoot outside of the studio, open air shots will need licenses from the city or state to verify your team can utilize the space for the day. Expenses can build as the space required builds, since components of time, weather, street traffic and other things need to be considered. At AMP Film Studios, they will make sure this is kept to a minimum to cut down these expenses without losing any value in production.

The rundown of things that take a portion of the financial backing can incorporate numerous others, for example, set development, props/furniture rental, extra additional items and on-screen characters, and food and drinks for everybody while taping.

Our expert team of music video professionals in Tampa, Florida have years of expertise in the creation of music features for performers and independent record labels. Call today at 1-877-267-4111 to speak to one of our music video production masters.

Knowing how to make a feature under a detailed plan takes practice and regard for the top-down view. You can schedule an appointment with your personal music video expert from AMP Film Studios by calling their office in Tampa, FL at 1-877-267-4111. You can additionally contact us by using this website form.